"What if I could get Kelly to agree to have sex with you," he said, taking the plunge. "How would that make you feel?" "You're joking!" Tom said with a laugh. "Why, she's still in high school. I could get in trouble for that." "Is that your only problem with the idea?" John asked, smiling. "I'm still in high school too. Wouldn't you feel like you had really gotten back at him, and without him even knowing?" "Jesus!" Tom exclaimed, all his breath leaving his body. "What an outrageous idea. What makes you even think you could get her to agree anyway?" "She's my twin sister," John replied. "I know her better than anyone. So you're interested?" "Let's just say that it's a very interesting idea," Tom said, shaking his head. "But what could you say to her to make her the least bit interested in an idea like that?" "Oh, money has always been something that motivates Kelly," John replied. "If I were to tell her that you would give her, oh, I don't know, let's say $1000 to have sex with her,. Juices covered her finger and she brought it up to her lips for a taste - oh, how she wished one of the people passing by would see her, would join her, would dominate her and make her expose herself more often, more daringly, so that she could be used by anyone who wanted to. Michelle groaned and couldn't wait any longer, finally positioning the dildo at her entrance and backing herself up on it. She moaned, no longer cautious about the noise she made, and started fucking herself.The cold of the night and the exposure enhanced the familiar feeling of the dildo, making it far more intense, and she soon found herself at the brink of orgasm, her eyes closed, when a voice called up to her. "Sounds like you're having fun."Michelle froze and, opening her eyes, found a woman looking up at her. She didn't know what to say, blushing furiously. "Don't mind me. Finish the show."God, this was embarrassing, but God was she horny. And this had been what she wanted, right? She really needed.
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